Dismissal Appeal Process
Students who are dismissed due to poor academic performance can appeal their dismissal following this process.
Tile Navigation: Academic Records
- Click on the Academic Records tile.
- Click on the Dismissal Appeal Form link under Useful Links.
- Your ID, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address will already be filled in using
your login credentials. The form will also indicate whether or not you are an athlete.
- Please use the drop down to select the semester you wish to begin your Extended Probation.
Your options will be Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter.
- You are required to explain the circumstances that lead to your GPA falling below
a 2.0. You may use the text box provided or upload a document.
- You are also required to outline your plan to improve your GPA over the next semester.
Please use the text box provided.
- Please indicate any resources you have used to assist with your academic challenges.
- If you have obtained one, please upload any letter of support or additional documentation.
- You must check that you have reviewed your submission and attest that the information
is accurate.
- Upon completion of your form, click the "Submit" button.
- You will know your form successfully submitted when you see this page in your browser:
- Any issues with the form, please email: agrinwis@wcupa.edu.
Content Manager: Registrar's Office