
I have an expense that needs to be moved to a different cost center. Can I do this?

If the expense occurred in the current fiscal year, then typically yes. Complete the online Expense Transfer Form.

This form requires that you enter both the cost center where the expense was incorrectly posted as well as the cost center you would like to transfer the expense to. You will also need to enter G/L accounts and descriptions Some items we would like to note are as follows:

  • Locate the expense in BI while you are filling out the online form
  • Make sure you are using the correct information in the transfer FROM and SOURCE information.
  • For partial transfers, please note the amount and the reason why in the additional information section.

(Note: There is a separate form used to transfer funds. See Budget Transfer Form.)

How can I find a list of G/L accounts?

They can be found on our SharePoint site.

My department received a check. How do I deposit it?

You will first need to complete a deposit form. You will need to know what the check is for in order to complete the form. If your department is being reimbursed for an expense that was previously incurred, you should locate which GL account that expense was originally posted to and select the same GL account on the deposit form. If the check is not reimbursing expenses, please contact the Accounting office to discuss how the deposit should be applied.

Please bring the deposit form and check in person to the Bursar’s office cashier window located at 25 University Avenue, Suite 50.

How do I transfer funds?

If you are looking to transfer budget money from one cost center to another, please use a Budget Transfer form. However, if you are looking to transfer an actual expense to another cost center, please complete the online Expense Transfer Form. This form requires that you enter both the cost center where the expense was incorrectly posted as well as the cost center you would like to transfer the expense to. You will also need to enter G/L accounts and descriptions. Instructions are also found on the form.

How do I know which G/L account to use on an e-Req?

The G/L account must describe what you are buying. Often, the material group is a good clue as to which G/L account you would like to use, but please note that material group and G/L account are unrelated and do not have identical drop-down options. Please review the G/L list for all available accounts as there are some very descriptive accounts that we encourage you to use. For example, if you are purchasing an office chair you should use 660130 Furniture & Furnishings (noncapital). This account is preferred over the use of 660100 Office Supplies for this type of purchase.

Also, please be mindful when using accounts related to professional services (beginning with 625xxx). If you are purchasing a tangible item, you should not use professional services.

Lastly, please use only accounts beginning with a ’6’. All G/L accounts are reported according to their first digit and this series of accounts is reserved for your operating expenses. At their discretion, the Facilities and Accounting Departments will use accounts beginning with a ’7’ for capital related purchases.

I need to create a new fund center / cost center. What do I do?

Complete the online form to submit a request for a new fund/cost center.

Please Note: To request a cost center for a grant or gift, please reach out to the Restricted Funds office at extension 2518 or email

What is a fiscal year?

This is the 12 month period measured for budgeting and financial purposes. For WCU, our fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30. This means that a new budget is distributed on July 1 for spending through June 30.

What is SAP?

SAP is our financial system where budgets are loaded, purchase orders are generated, vendor payments are processed, and many other financial transactions are recorded. This is the system where you enter e-requisitions. It’s also the system that the accountants work in most regularly. It is the system where we obtain most of the information needed for our financial statements.

What is BI?

BI is where you log in through ESS to view our internal reporting system. This is the system where you can go to check your department’s budget and expenses for any given period of time. Please keep in mind that SAP’s information is fed into BI. Therefore, the information in BI will always be one day behind while the systems interface. To gain access to BI, you must first attend training which can be scheduled here.

What is a GL account and what is it used for?

GL stands for “General Ledger” which is accounting terminology for the records that capture all financial transactions. GL accounts are a six digit number. As a rule of thumb, they describe the item or service being bought. It tells us the general classification of what was purchased so that financial reports will properly reflect transactions in distinct categories such as travel, services, supplies, food, etc. It is very important that when you complete an electronic requisition (e-Req) or payment request form, that you select a GL account that properly describes what you are purchasing. It’s especially important to get the GL right because GL accounts roll up to our financial statements, so our stakeholders can see what WCU spends its money on.

Finally, if you’ve ever seen the term “commitment items”, they are the same as a GL account. The term is used mostly on BI reports.

What is a fund center? What is a cost center? What is the difference?

Fund centers are where the individual budgets live and they identify the department paying for the purchase They operate as your department’s mini bank account within WCU’s larger bank account. Cost centers are the same 10-digit number as a fund center. The difference in name has to do with SAP and the way it captures information in separate modules. On budget-related reports and documents, you’ll see the term “fund center.” On accounting-related reports and documents, you’ll see the term “cost center.”

As a rule of thumb, fund centers/cost centers describe who is paying for the item or service.

Finally, you might also hear some people refer to these as an “org” or “department.”

I’ve heard mention of an EG (or E&G) fund center. What does this mean?

If you are responsible for a fund center that begins with 7511xxxxxx, it is considered EG, which stands for “Education and General.”  The funds budgeted in an EG fund center come from state appropriations and tuition revenue.

What is the difference between an expense transfer and a budget transfer?

A budget transfer is when actual budget dollars are moved from one fund center to another. It is not based on actual expenses. It’s as if you have two bank accounts and transfer money between them. Budget transfers are handled by the Budget department and there are specific guidelines for those types of transfers as well. One being that restricted funds are not permitted to have a budget transfer. Once money is applied to a restricted fund, it must remain and be spent there. For more information on budget transfers, visit the Budget Office.

An expense transfer is the movement of an actual expense either from one cost center to another, or from one GL account to another. For example, you pay for an item with your p-card which gets posted to your 7511, but you actually bought it for a faculty member who wanted to pay for it using their faculty development funds. We would transfer the p-card expense out of your 7511 and into the faculty development cost center. The same concept goes for a GL account. Say you purchased a book and it got posted to office supplies, you would want to request a transfer to move this book out of office supplies and into the correct GL account.

I am responsible for keeping track of the budget for my department What steps do I take?

If you haven’t already done so, you should begin by attending a BI training. You will learn how to run a budget report and how to interpret the information.

It’s a good idea to look over the entire year’s activity for anything that might not have posted correctly. However, we recommend that you create a regular, monthly process to review your budget and expenses in BI. This will help you realize in a timely manner if something is missing, or posted incorrectly within the budget. If you discover any discrepancies, you can request an expense transfer to correct. Please note that you should request expense transfers in a timely manner – it’s best if it’s within 90 days of the expense posting. For externally funded grants, 90 days is the baseline for cost transfers. Anything more than that will require you to provide us with additional information. The only exception to that 90 day rule is at year end, when everything must be done by the close dates listed in our year end email. Finally, do your best to make sure to only transfer an expense once. It does not look great to auditors or us if we keep moving expenses around.

Please remember that it is important to submit expenses immediately. If expenses are not submitted timely, they do not show up on budget reports and your budget does not reflect current information. Not having the whole picture can lead to confusion or even misinformed financial decision making.

Remember that fiscal years are very important. Please look over Accounting’s year -end emails and follow the instructions listed in that email. Timelines are short for the accountants at year-end and every day matters.

Does WCU keep track of equipment?

We keep track of fixed assets, which are long-term assets used throughout campus with an initial cost of $5,000 or greater. When your department purchases equipment that is classified as a fixed asset, we will send you a barcode label to affix to the equipment along with a form to complete which includes the location/room and serial number We will come around every three years and perform inventory on these assets. Some examples include copiers, science equipment, audiovisual, or lawn equipment.

If your equipment moves locations, even if just from one office to another, please notify the Accounting office. In addition, please notify the Accounting office if you dispose of or trade-in this equipment.


Who do I contact if I have a question about budgeting?

Our contact information is listed on the Budget Office webpage.

How do I transfer budget money?

Complete the appropriate online Budget Transfer Form. There are four distinct types of budgetary transfers completed by the Budget Department. Before requesting a transfer, please make sure you select the appropriate type. (Note: There is a separate form used to transfer expenses.

How do I get a new fund/cost center created?

A SharePoint form is available to request the creation of a new fund/cost center. Requests will be reviewed by the Chief Financial Officer and Associate Vice President for Finance and Business Services and the Budget Director. Per the ABC recommendation dated September 9, 2010, all requests to establish self-support (SS) fund centers require the appropriate VP level approval.


General Questions

Can I do my own bidding?

If the estimated cost of the procurement is $20,100 or greater only the Business Services office can conduct the bidding. Purchases under $20,100.00 do not require competitive bidding. However, solicitation of bids is encouraged and will be done at the discretion of Business Services. Departments may, if they choose to, solicit quotes from vendors for purchases under $20,100.

Can I place an order with a vendor before a purchase order is issued?

No employee may commit the university to a purchase prior to a purchase order being issued. The one exception to this are the small dollar purchases handled through the university's purchasing card program.

Can I sign a contract?

The President of the university alone has the authority to sign contracts or agreements that bind the University unless the President delegates this authority, in writing, to others. No person, excepting the written delegates, may sign contracts or agreements involving the University.

For the sake of clarity, the primary person who has been delegated with contracting officer authority on behalf of the University, without financial limitations is the Vice President for Finance and Administration. In the event of his/her absence, that responsibility shall fall to Jeffrey Baun, Director of Business Services. No other individual has contracting signatory authority on behalf of the University unless delegated in advance and in writing.

How long does it take a service purchase contract to be processed?

Generally, Service Purchase Contracts require a minimum of 3 - 4 weeks to be completed by Purchasing. This is due to the requirements for signatures from the vendor, University and PASSHE Legal Counsel.

Where can I get a tax exempt form?

The tax exempt form is an official document certifying the University's tax exempt status. The form (look under the Purchasing category) can be downloaded and filled in by the University office making the purchase. The University office making the purchase then sends it directly to the vendor requiring the form.

Who do I call if I need a rush purchase order?

Contact the purchasing manager, Bob Malone, at 610-436-1019.

How do I obtain a user name and password for Office Max?

Contact either the Purchasing manager, Bob Malone, at 610-436-1019, or the Director of Business Services, Jeffrey Baun at 610-436-2705.

May I purchase University supported computing hardware and peripherals on a requisition?

There are standards and protocols for university supported hardware. Maintaining these standards and regulations is a joint effort between Purchasing and Information Services (IS). Generally, a requisition may not be utilized to purchase computing hardware. They may be used to purchase printers and peripherals as long as the purchase adheres to the Information Services guidelines.

Requisitioning Questions

I forgot my SAP password. Can you reset it?

The Information Services faculty/staff help desk resets passwords in SAP. Please contact them at 610-436-3350 to have your password reset.

SAP will not let me enter an EReq?

The security roles in SAP prohibit personnel from entering requisitions until they have been given written permission from their manager, sign a user agreement form, and attend the EReq training. Once they have completed the training they will be given authorization to enter requisitions.

How do I put an EReq on hold?

EReqs can be placed in a held status ONLY during the initial creation process. Once an EReq has been saved it can no longer be placed on hold. Directions for placing EReqs on hold

How do I take an EReq off hold?

To take a requisition off of hold just open it in update mode (ME52N) and hit the save button.

My EReq will not pass budget check. What do I do?

If the EReq will not pass the budget checking process that occurs when you attempt to save the document, your only recourse at that time is to place the document on hold. You would then work with the manager(s) of the fund center(s) involved to either have additional funds transferred, the scope of the requisition reduced to a level that would be funded, identify a different fund center for the commitment, or even cancel (or not save) the entire requisition.

Can I change an EReq after it has been saved?

Yes. Requisition lines can be modified up until the time that they are converted to purchase orders. You would use SAP transaction ME52N to do so.

How do I print an EReq?

The only way to print a requisition is to utilize the hard copy functionality built into SAP. Instructions on performing this action .

How do I cancel an EReq once it has been saved?

To cancel a requisition you must cancel each line separately. Highlight the line by clicking in the first box of the line and then click the delete button (the trash can).

How long does it take to process an EReq into a purchase order?

The average requisition to purchase order turn around time is about 8 business days. Many are prepared in a much shorter time frame. Depending upon the complexity of the order, the time required to process it can vary. Orders requiring bidding, contract preparation, legal review, etc. will take longer than simple orders for goods.

How can I tell if a purchase order has been generated?

You can see if your requisition has been sourced to a purchase order simply by looking at the end of the requisition line in the item overview section of the screen. If a PO has been prepared you will see the number here. You can also check the status tab in the item detail section of the requisition. Any follow-on document numbers (purchase orders, receivers, invoices) are reported in this section. Each of these numbers is a hyperlink direct to the document.

How can I get a copy of the purchase order?

Purchasing sends electronic copies of the purchase order in pdf format to the requisition initiator once the purchase order is created and approved.

How can I cancel a purchase order?

If you wish to cancel a purchase order you must contact the Purchasing office.


I need training on procurement at the university. What can I do?

Business Services offers training opportunities for the campus community on a variety of topics including procurement rules and regulations, how WCU purchases goods and services, construction procurement, e-requisitioning, and payment processing. We can provide training on an individual basis as well as in groups.

How do I get training on entering EReqs?

Electronic requisition (EReq) training is offered at least once every month. FAST handles the scheduling of these sessions. Please visit their website for enrollment information.

Can I be retrained on entering EReqs?

You are welcome to attend as many training sessions as you want.

Click here for a PCard training video.

Grants & Contracts

Who oversees externally funded grants and contracts?

Kelly Smith, Manager of Grants and Restricted Funds.

How do I establish a new cost center for my grant/contract?

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, after receiving your fully executed award letter, will work with Finance and Business Services to set up a new cost center. You will receive notification when the process is complete.

Who is the cost center manager for a grant or contract?

The person identified as the Principal Investigator (PI), or Project Director (PD) in the grant application or contract is set up as the cost center manager.

How do I determine if money awarded by an external agency or company to my project is a grant?

Per the West Chester University Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) a grant, also known as a sponsored project, will have one or all of these characteristics:

  1. The award instrument is an agreement that binds the University to a set of terms and conditions and requires endorsement and/or assurances.
  2. The agreement obligates the investigator to a line of scholarly or scientific inquiry that typically follows a plan, provides for orderly testing or evaluation, or seeks to meet stated performance goals.
  3. The agreement establishes an understanding of how funds will be used or includes a line item budget that identifies expenses by activity, function, or project period.
  4. The agreement requires fiscal accountability as evidenced by the submission of financial reports to the sponsor, an audit provision, or the return of unexpended funds at the conclusion of the project.
  5. The agreement obligates the investigator to report project results or convey rights to tangible or intangible properties resulting from the project. Examples of tangible properties include equipment, records, technical reports, theses, or dissertations. Intangible properties include rights in data, copyrights, or inventions.
  6. The agreement seeks considerations such as indemnification or imposes other terms that require legal accountability.

Please refer to this Research and Sponsored Programs page for more information.

How do I spend my grant funds?

Items budgeted for in your line item budget can be purchased using a variety of methods:

For personnel:

For non-personnel expenses:

How do I know if an expense is allowable?

Refer to the grant budget submitted with the proposal, in addition to your Notification of Award or contract. All expenses must also be in compliance with PASSHE and university policies. If you have any additional questions about re-budgeting or specific expenses, please contact Kelly Smith.

How are indirect costs charged to grants and contracts allocated?

Please refer to our Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website for information on indirect cost allocation. Indirect costs are allocated quarterly by the Grant and Contract Accountant.

How much money is available on my grant or contract?

Business Intelligence (BI) reports and SAP can provide up-to-date balance information. Kelly Smith can also assist.


Will my mail be delayed by utilizing the West Chester University Post Office?

No, your mail will not be delayed. Any outgoing mail received at the University Post Office by 2:15 PM is picked up by the United States Postal Service the same day by 2:30 PM. Internal campus mail is delivered the day after it is picked up, i.e., within one business day of receipt.

What is the typical, daily mail routine?

The typical daily routine for official University mail is as follows:

  • At 8:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, the West Chester University Postal Staff picks up the days mail from the off campus (Airport Road) United States Postal Service site and brings it back to campus.
  • The mail is immediately sorted and bagged for distribution to the various campus departments.
  • At 10:00 a.m., a University postal staff member begins to deliver the mail, both external and internal, to the departments and picks up any outgoing mail.
  • Other University postal staff members make special deliveries to the departments for packages, certified mail, & registered mail.
  • At 1:00 p.m., the outgoing mail is being metered and sorted, and that day’s internal campus mail is being sorted for next day delivery.
  • At 2:30 p.m., the United States Postal Service picks up the outgoing mail. Student mail is currently delivered directly to the residence halls by the United States Postal Service from the West Chester Airport Road facility.

Can I buy just one stamp at the service window?

Certainly! We can also meter your letter.

Does the West Chester University post office sell money orders?

Money Orders are no longer sold by the West Chester University Post Office.

Does the West Chester University Post Office sell or provide packaging material?

The Student Union bookstore has various packaging material for sale. The West Chester University Post Office has free-of-charge envelopes for U.S. Postal Service’s Overnight Express & Priority mail.

Does the West Chester University Post Office deliver to the residence halls?

The residence halls receive their regular mail directly from the United States Postal Service main post office, which is located at 1050 Airport Road, West Chester.

The West Chester University Post Office receives all accountable mail (Express, Certified, Insured, Registered, Delivery and Signature confirmation, and C.O.D.’s) for the resident students. West Chester University Post Office staff notifies the students by phone to come to the University Post Office located on the second floor of the Lawrence Center to sign for and receive their accountable mail.

What happens to the mail when a student leaves the university?

Anyone leaving the university should fill out a change of address form. These forms are available at the West Chester University Post Office, the USPS website, and at the front desk of each residence hall. The change of address forms should be dropped off at the residence hall in which you reside. All first class mail will be forwarded.


I need to send something to Accounts Payable. Where do I send it?

If you are forwarding items by mail:

  • Purchase order related items such as invoices and credits should be sent to - Accounts Payable, 201 Carter Drive, Suite 200
  • Travel related items should be sent to - Accounts Payable/Travel, 201 Carter Drive, Suite 200
  • Purchasing Card or Travel Card related items should be sent to - Purchasing Card Administrator, 201 Carter Drive, Suite 200

For a complete directory of names, please consult the Accounts Payable website.

I received an invoice from a vendor. What must I do to get it paid?

First, verify that the invoice is an original and has not previously been forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment. Determine whether the invoice pertains to an open purchase order. If it does, check the invoice against the purchase order to:

  1. Verify that the correct product is invoiced
  2. Verify that the line item(s) have sufficient remaining funds
  3. Verify that the purchase order has sufficient remaining funds
  4. Verify that the goods have been received

The person having budget authority for your department must mark the invoice “OK to Pay” and indicate the dollar amount they are authorizing, and the date of the authorization. The purchase order number should be written on the invoice and then forwarded to Accounts Payable, 201 Carter Drive.

If the department has not entered a requisition for this purchase, an EReq must be completed and the invoice sent to Purchasing referencing the EReq number.

Where can I find the SAP fund center and GL accounting codes?

The Budget Manager or Department Manager in your area will most likely have this information. Our SharePoint site has a list published for both.

I submitted something for payment. When will it be paid?

The Accounts Payable department will process properly authorized and coded requests for payment or reimbursement within five (5) days of receipt. Payments are issued twice a week.

When was my invoice paid?

There are several ways to verify that an item was paid. If you are an SAP user, you can utilize the ME23N transaction (for purchase order related transactions) or FBL1N (all payments) transaction that can get you to the check issued information. However, these transactions are multi-layered and require a good understanding of maneuvering within SAP. Your BI reports, however, will get you there in just a few clicks. From the PASSHE ESS portal, simply click the Business Intelligence tab. Next select the type of report you want to access (BI Budget). Enter the cost center and fiscal year for the transaction you want to view. Select the payment tab and then select the vendor you want to view. All the payment data is right there for you and it even tells you if the check was cashed.

Should you require additional training a complete listing of offerings is available on our training calendar.

Is there training available?

Business Services offers training opportunities for the campus community on a variety of topics including procurement rules and regulations, how WCU purchases goods and services, construction procurement, e-requisitioning, payment processing, travel procedures, and card systems. We can provide training on an individual basis as well as in groups. View the schedule of upcoming sessions. You may also request specific training.

Purchasing Cards

Purchasing Cards - What are they?

What is The WCU Purchasing Card?

The purchasing card works just like a personal credit card, except WCU pays all charges in full each month. The purchasing card program has established a more efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for WCU small dollar transactions. This is because cardholders can make authorized purchases directly with a merchant instead of going through the standard procurement and payment process.

How does a WCU purchasing card benefit me and my department?

The program has been established to reduce paperwork and provide a faster receipt of low dollar value goods. By using the purchasing card the traditional requisition - pricing inquiry - order placement - delivery of goods - invoice - voucher review - payment cycle is greatly reduced. Fund center managers may request that anyone in their department that makes regular purchasing decisions apply for the card.

Getting a Purchasing Card

Who can get a university issued purchasing card?

To be issued a university purchasing card you must be a current employee of the university and have the written approval of the fund center manager of the fund center to which the card is charged.

Who do I speak to if I have questions about getting a purchasing card?

You can call Nicole Bobbert at 610-430-5654 or email her at Nicole Bobbert.

How do I enroll in the program?

Just go to our SharePoint form page and select Card Systems Enrollment.

How long does it take to receive a purchasing card?

It usually takes 7-10 days once accounts payable has received your approved cardholder enrollment request.

Using a Purchasing Card

What may be purchased with the WCU Purchasing Card?

You may purchase products, postage, memberships, subscriptions, registrations, etc., as long as the amount is within your single transaction and monthly spending limits. Remember, all spending must clearly and directly benefit WCU.

Are there any merchants were the card won't work?

There are still a few merchants who will not accept credit cards at all. Additionally, there are certain merchants where the card will not work because WCU has put a block on them due to the nature of the goods or services they provide.

Are there any specific transactions that can not be made using the purchasing card?

Yes, items that you would suspect such as alcohol, weapons, drugs [controlled substances], hazardous materials, and other restricted goods and services. These are outlined in the university’s Purchasing Guidelines.

What happens when I return an item to a merchant?

All you have to do is to remember to ask the merchant to refund your purchase to your purchasing card. Keep the receipt to make sure that you get your credit on your next statement.

May I use my purchasing card for personal charges if I reimburse WCU?

NO! This is strictly forbidden!

May I use my purchasing card to purchase University supported computing hardware and peripherals?

There are standards and protocols for university supported hardware. Maintaining these standards and regulations is a joint effort between Purchasing and Information Services (IS). Generally, a purchasing card may not be utilized to purchase computing hardware. They may be used to purchase printers and peripherals as long as the purchase adheres to the Information Services guidelines.

Who pays the bills for the WCU purchasing card?

WCU pays each bill in full at the end of the month which is why we require you to send a statement reconciliation to the card systems administrator. WCU needs to see exactly what it paid for.

Is the University exempt from sale tax?

West Chester University is exempt from all excise taxes and Pennsylvania sales tax. The University’s tax exempt ID number is pre-printed on your Purchasing Card right under your name. Copy of the Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate .

Monthly To-Do List

Do I need to send anything to card systems?

Yes, the cardholder must send a copy of the account statement and a detailed receipt (an appropriate receipt indicates what was purchased, the price and includes a signature/cardholder name) for each transaction to the card systems administrator, by the 10th of each month.

What does card systems do with the statements?

WCU is required to keep all Cardholder statements and receipts on file for 7 years. In addition, the files are audited internally on a monthly basis and externally on a annual basis.

Where do I send my monthly reconciliation package?

By the 10th of each month, reconcile your purchasing card statements to your receipts. Sign the statement and have your manager counter-sign it. Then put it in the campus mail to Business Services, Card Systems Administrator, 201 Carter Drive, Suite 200.

How does the purchasing card impact my operating budget?

When you utilize your purchasing card account to make a purchase, the velocity check system does NOT check to see if you have sufficient funds in your budget. Please verify your fund center balance prior to making any card purchase so that you do not over-spend. At the end of each billing cycle the charges for that month are loaded into the SAP financial system as an expense to your fund center.

What if I am missing a receipt?

Please fill out the Missing Receipt Form and be sure to have your Manager sign it. Attach it to your monthly reconciliation with your other receipts.


Changing Positions, Duties or Leaving the University?

I need to cancel my purchasing card - What do I do?

If you no longer need your card please contact Nicole Bobbert so that she can contact the card provider. Then just shred your card.

I'm changing departments - What do I do?

You may keep your current card account if the department manager for your new department approves. He/she should send an email to Nicole Bobbert to have your default fund center codes updated to your new department.

Can I be retrained on the purchasing card?

Absolutely! Training is scheduled whenever needed.

Lost or Stolen Cards

My purchasing card has been lost or stolen.

In the event that you either lose your card or it was stolen, you must notify the Bank of America immediately. You can do this by calling 1-888-449-2273. This is necessary to protect WCU from potential fraudulent use. Also please contact Nicole Bobbert at your earliest convenience.

I've misplaced my card. What do I do?

If you have temporarily misplaced your card but don't think it has been lost or stolen we can temporarily suspend your account instead of canceling it. This will allow you to look for the card for a short time. Contact Nicole Bobbert immediately.

I just want to cancel my card because I no longer need or want it.

If you no longer need your card please contact Nicole Bobbert at 610-430-5654 and she will cancel your account. Then just shred your card.

SAP Financial System

How do I get access to the SAP Financial System?

Your first step is gaining access to the financial system is to view the SAP Basic Navigation training video and submit the financial system users agreement. After submitting the agreement you will be given a user ID and password to access the system.

What training is offered in the use of SAP?

Finance and Business Services offers many different training sessions:

  • SAP BI Reporting
  • Requisition (EReq) Entry
  • EReq 101, Policies and Procedures
  • SAP ZFM01, Budget Reporting in the Transactional System

Our calendar of training

Are there online training documents available?

Our training manuals are always available on our SharePoint site.

How do I get my SAP password reset?

The Information Services faculty/staff help desk resets passwords in SAP. Please contact them at 610-436-3350 to have your password reset.

How do I get a new fund center created?

A SharePoint based form is available to request the creation of a new fund/cost center. Requests will be reviewed by the Chief Financial Officer and Associate Vice President for Finance and Business Services and the Budget Director. Per the ABC recommendation dated September 9, 2010, all requests to establish self-support (SS) fund centers require the appropriate VP level approval.

How do I request a transfer of an expense?

Complete the online Expense Transfer Form. This form requires that you enter both the cost center where the expense was incorrectly posted as well as the cost center you would like to transfer the expense to. You will also need to enter G/L accounts and descriptions. (Note: There is a separate form used to transfer funds. See Budget Transfer Form

How do I request a budget transfer?

Complete the appropriate online Budget Transfer Form. There are four distinct types of budgetary transfers completed by the Budget Department. Before requesting a transfer, please make sure you select the appropriate type. (Note: There is a separate form used to transfer expenses.

I have questions about electronic requisitioning...

Scholarships & Endowments

Who oversees the University endowments and scholarships?

Kelly Smith, Manager of Grants and Restricted Funds

How do I establish a new endowment or scholarship fund?

Contact WCU Foundation. Make sure to have available specifics for the estimated gift amount and endowment and/or scholarship guidelines.

How do I disburse a scholarship to a student?

For WCU scholarships, complete the Scholarship Notification Form and forward to the Restricted Funds office. For Foundation scholarships, contact the Foundation.

How do I disburse an award or prize to a student?

Prepare a Payment Request Form and forward to the Restricted Funds office.

When will I see the scholarship, award or prize applied to my cost center?

In semester scholarships generally take approximately one week to post to the SAP cost center. Future semester scholarships post in SAP approximately one/two weeks prior to the start of the semester. Award and prize check request turnaround time is approximately seven days.

How do I update the manager of an endowment or scholarship?

Manager changes should be sent to Ken Husar in Finance and Business Services.

What is the balance of my scholarship fund?

Fund balances are available for all scholarships by logging into your BI account. The Restricted Funds office can also be of assistance.

What are the guidelines of a particular scholarship?

Guidelines are available on the Foundation web site for all scholarships.

What are the guidelines for processing gifts to West Chester University?


What types of training does Finance and Business Services provide?

We offer training in the following areas:

  • Card Systems (Purchasing and Travel Cards) - Instructor is Nicole Bobbert
  • Invoicing and Payments - Instructor is Nicole Bobbert
  • Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Instructor is Bob Malone
  • Purchasing - Instructors are Bob Malone
  • SAP Budget Reporting - Instructor is Ken Husar
  • SAP Business Intelligence (BI) Reports - Instructor is Ken Husar
  • SAP Requisition Basic Training - Instructor is Julie Martin

View our calendar for dates and times.

When are the various training sessions held?

Please utilize our training calendar to see the times and dates of our upcoming sessions.

How do I sign up for a session?

Our sessions that utilize the Anderson Hall staff training facility are scheduled through the Faculty and Staff Training (FAST) registration process. The classes that are held in other areas such as 201 Carter Drive you can schedule by directly contacting the instructor.

Do you offer personal sessions?

We often offer specially scheduled training sessions to small groups or individuals. Contact the instructor (see the answer to the first question for topics and instructors) to see what we can do for you. You can also utilize our main forms page to request a session tailored to your needs.

What else do you offer?

Business Services holds open office hours the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 201 Carter Drive, Suite 200. Representatives from all Business Services areas will be present at each session to answer all your questions about University, PASSHE and Commonwealth business procedures, rules and regulations, and provide individual training on any Business Services subject (the Post Office representative will be available at the 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. session).

Business Services also offers “Training On The Go”. Representatives from all Business Services areas will be present at each session to answer all your questions about University, PASSHE and Commonwealth business procedures, rules and regulations, and provide individual training on any Business Services subject .

View our calendar for dates and times.


Do I have to fill out and submit an advance travel authorization form every time I travel?

At this time, Accounts Payable only requires an advance travel authorization form on file for foreign travel (all travel outside the contiguous United States). However, an advance travel authorization should be completed for each trip made and it should be maintained in your department.

Are receipts required for all travel expenses?

Receipts are required for all miscellaneous expenses over $35. Itemized receipts are required for all meals being claimed, lodging, and transportation expense. Receipts must show the method of payment. If the method of payment does not appear on the receipt, a copy of the debit/credit card statement showing the charge, or a copy of individual’s cancelled check (front and back) can be used to supplement the receipt.

What form do I use for travel reimbursements?

All reimbursements related to travel should be submitted on a travel expense voucher. This includes conference registrations, and meals at business meetings. Reimbursements to employees for non-travel items should be placed on a payment request form. An example would be course fees.

What is the mileage reimbursement rate?

The rate of reimbursement for mileage changes annually. Please use the PASSHE website for the most current rate.

What is the per diem rate for _________?

Per Diems vary based on location. Please see the GSA webpage for the most current rates. Please do not refer to the Meals and Incidental Expenses Breakdown section of this website as it does not apply to West Chester University travel.