
Enrollment Forms

Change Campus Location
Graduate students requesting to change the campus where they attend courses.

Course Audit
Audit a course (no GPA grade/non-credit). This form must be filed by the ninth week of the semester. Refer to the Graduate Catalog for official policy. Learn more about Audit (AU) Grade/Credit Types

Independent Study/Individualized Instruction
Study a subject area working independently with a faculty instructor. Learn more about IS/II Grade/Credit Types

Leave of Absence
Graduate students requesting a Leave of Absence. A maximum of two consecutive semesters of non-enrollment are permitted before a student must enroll or request a Leave of Absence. Please review the Enrollment Policy for additional information.

Change Degree Program (Formerly Change of Curriculum)
Current graduate students requesting to change their active degree program to a new degree program. Newly admitted students should not use this form and should contact if interested in changing degree program before your first semester begins.

Change/Remove Concentration
Graduate students requesting to add a concentration or change/remove their current concentration in their current degree program. (ie, MS Applied Statistics to MS Applied Statistics – Business and Marketing; or vice versa)

Undergraduates taking Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit **
Undergraduate students requesting to enroll in a graduate course for undergraduate credit.

**Before completing one of these forms, undergraduate students should contact the Graduate School to discuss your registration options at

If you are looking for accelerated bachelor’s to master’s forms, please visit the Accelerated Programs website.

Term/University Withdrawal Request Form
This form is to be used by graduate students who wish to withdrawal from all of their classes for the term or to request withdraw from the university.

Enrollment Processes

Adding a Graduate Certificate to Current Degree Program
Active degree-seeking students can request graduate certificates to be added to their academic plan of study by completing the Change/Add/Update Plan Request form found under the Student Forms card in their Ramportal portal.
Please note, students are not able to submit a request to add a Graduate certificate until the beginning of their degree admit term.

Teaching Certification Information
Students should contact the Certification Office for information about:

  • PA Teaching Certification
  • Out of State Verification Process
  • Final Signatures for Approved Program of Study (APS) – post baccalaureate requirement
  • Act 48
  • Testing (WCU Professional Testing Center)
  • Clearances (Office of Candidate Services)
  • Field Placements (Office of Clinical Experiences)
  • Tk20 and Candidate Assessment Resources

Enrollment Verification
Free service provided by West Chester University through the National Student Clearinghouse. You may print off the enrollment verification which is considered an official copy of your enrollment at WCU.

The Graduate School is committed to providing a comprehensive list of forms and processes in a central location to assist graduate students. If you are aware of a form or process that impacts graduate students, please provide the link to that information to for consideration of posting on this site.