Please sign in to Blue and view results reports for Fall 2024 and Spring 2024. For reports prior to Spring
2024, instructors should request reports from their department. If necessary, please
contact Institutional Research at to obtain copies of reports prior to Spring 2024.
Reports are issued after the surveys have closed and final grades have posted. Instructors,
Department Chairs, and the Evaluation Committee Chairs will receive a system-generated
email notifying them that reports are ready to view and download. Please visit the
Faculty User Guide for information on how to access your reports in Blue.
An introduction to each report is provided below. Questions regarding survey development,
testing, administration, and score reporting should be directed to Lisa Yannick in
the Office of Institutional Research.
SRIS (Student Rating of Instructor Survey)
The Student Rating of Instructor Survey (SRIS) is comprised of 25 questions. In items
1‐18, students were asked to rate the instructor on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 6 (highest).
The remaining questions are demographic and are asked for statistical purposes only.
The first 18 questions fall into two dimensions‐‐Preparation and Delivery. Each question
contributes in part (items are weighted) in the calculation of both dimensions. The
weights of each item within each dimension were determined through a statistical analysis
(factor analysis) of the historic SRIS data.
The first page of the instructor report includes the valid N, mean, and standard deviation
for items 1‐18. Historic course department, college, and university means and standard
deviations are also given for comparison purposes. The Preparation and Delivery dimension
score means and 95% confidence interval are at the bottom of the report.
Categorical representation of the instructor's dimension scores in comparison to University,
College, and Course Department historic results are given on the reverse. For each
dimension, the lower bound (L) of the 95% confidence interval of the mean, the mean
(X), and the upper bound (U) of the 95% confidence interval for the mean are shown
relative to cut‐points determined by historic SRIS data for the University, College,
and Course Department. Cut‐points were calculated to categorize scores into four bands—higher
than one standard deviation above the mean, within one standard deviation of the mean,
between one and two standard deviations below the mean, and lower than two standard
deviations below the mean.
***Caution should be used in interpreting results when either the Valid N for the
instructor's course section or the number of sections included in the historic course
department mean is low.***
Section means from the current administration are not included in the historic baseline
data but will be added to the historical data to determine factor loads (item weights)
and cut‐points for categorical representation in future survey administrations. Historic
means were obtained from the spring 2009 SRIS pilot and represent a random sample
of all faculty including regular and temporary faculty, and faculty of all tenure
types and ranks.
Delivery and Preparation Dimension Scores are determined as follows:
1) Only surveys with 50% or more of the items (1‐18) completed are used.
2) After excluding results from surveys that are less than 50% complete, dimension
scores are calculated for course sections with 5 or more students responding and 50%
or more survey response rate.
3) Scores are prorated‐‐the percent reported represents the total points earned
divided by the maximum points possible on the surveys used. For example, on a particular
completed survey, if a student completed only 14 of the 18 questions and gave 6's
(maximum score) on those 14 items, the percent score is 100%‐‐the instructor obtained
100% of the maximum possible points available on the 14 questions the student answered.
4) Each of the completed surveys is scored individually then the section dimension
means with 95% confidence interval are calculated.
***** If there are insufficient student responses (per above) to calculate the Dimension
Scores, the Dimension Score section of the Instructor Report and the comparison to
historic department, college, and university Dimension Scores on the back of the report
are left blank. *****
SRIS Instructor Report Example
DE SRIS (Student Rating of Instructor Survey for Distance Ed Sections)
he Distance Education Student Rating of Instructor Survey (DE SRIS) is comprised of
23 questions. In Item 1 students are asked to rate the quality of teaching provided
by the instructor from “6” Outstanding to “1” Poor.
In Items 2-10 and 12-14 students are asked to indicate their level of agreement to
statements regarding the quality of instruction from 6 (Strongly Agree) to 1 (Strongly
Disagree). These first 16 items correspond to items on the SRIS.
Items 11 and 14-16 are indicators of the student’s experience with distance education
in general and with the use of technology in this specific course section.
Items 17-20 are open-ended questions inviting student comments.
The final 3 items on the survey are demographics which are collected for statistical
purposes only.
The results report includes the mean for the rating scale items (1-10, 12-14, 16),
percent “Yes” responses (11), categorical frequency response (15) as appropriate to
the type of question and response. The instructor receives the quantitative results
and any student comments collected. The department evaluation committee chair receives
only the quantitative results (1-16).
The Distance Education Student Rating of Instructor Survey (DE SRIS) was approved
by APSCUF and the Provost for use in the tenure and promotion process starting in
spring 2013. The survey is administered through the Office of Institutional Research
using Explorance Blue online student instructor rating surveys. All students enrolled
in the course section at the time of administration receive an email invitation when
the survey administration window opens, and reminder emails are sent to non-respondents
at established intervals throughout the survey administration period. Students are
also reminded to complete their surveys upon login to D2L. The course instructor is
notified of the administration timing via email and may view response rates using
the link provided in the email. The DE SRIS administration window is calculated based
on the length of the course.
**As appropriate comparative department, college, and University scores are not available,
no attempt should be made to compare the individual course section results in DE SRIS
from one faculty person to the scores of another or to the paper SRIS scores of the
same or another faculty person. **
As with the paper SRIS, only surveys with 50% or more of the items (1-16) completed
are used in the quantitative results. After excluding surveys that are less than
50% complete, results are produced for course sections with 5 or more students responding
and with a 50% or greater survey response rate.
DE SRIS Instructor Report Example
STSAF (Student-Teaching Supervisor Assessment Form)
The Student-Teacher Supervisor Assessment Form survey is comprised of 21 questions.
In Item 1, students are asked to indicate the Length of Supervision (first half, second
half, entire semester). The next question asks the student to select the Student Teaching
Program from 11 choices: English, Foreign Languages, Health & Physical Ed, Sciences,
Mathematics, Music Ed, Social Studies, Middle Grades, Early Grades, Special Ed, Comm
Dis/Speech Pathology. Questions 3 - 16 students are asked to indicate their level
of agreement to statements regarding the quality of supervision from 6 (Strongly Agree)
to 1 (Not Applicable). Questions 17 - 20 require Yes or No answers regarding aspects
of supervision. The last item is an open-ended question inviting student comments.
Results reports are issued for surveys that receive a minimum of 5 student responses.
The results report includes the mean and frequency for the rating scale questions
and percent for Yes/No questions.
The instructor receives the quantitative results and any student comments collected.
The department evaluation committee chair receives only the quantitative results.
STSAF Instructor Report Example
NCQ (Nursing Clinical Questionnaire)
The Student Feedback on Instructor for Nursing Clinicals instrument consists of 14
questions. Students are asked to choose from the following response options:
Items 1-10: Students are asked to indicate their level of agreement to statements
regarding the quality of instruction from Very Effective (5) to Ineffective (1).
Items 11-14 are open-ended questions inviting student comments.
Results reports are issued for surveys that receive a minimum of 5 student responses.
The results report includes the response count and frequency.
The instructor receives the quantitative results and any student comments collected.
The department chair receives only the quantitative results.
NCQ Instructor Report Example