CART Captioner(s) capture a faculty/student voice and/or audio recording from an in-person or virtual course. Our office works with CART Captioner(s) who attend classes remotely via Zoom. Captioner(s) transcribe verbatim from what is said during the course time. Those transcriptions will be visually displayed in a text format on the attended student's laptop or any other device of their choosing. You can provide students equal and fair access by helping our office provide CART services inside the classroom.
Faculty Resources
The Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) provides for accommodation and support in the removal of barriers to access on the basis of disability for all WCU Golden Rams. The OEA is the designated authority on campus for engaging with students an individualized process that takes into account a variety of factors, including a student's disability, the specific impact of their disability, their history of accommodations, the course/assignment design, disciplinary requirements, and pedagogy to determine what accommodations are reasonable in a given situation. This process involves an interview with the student, a review of supporting documentation, which is usually from a previous educational institution or medical or behavioral provider, and consultation with the faculty, as appropriate.
Accommodations are written in a way that takes into consideration the wide range of experiences and classroom environments a student might encounter during their WCU career. Accommodations may vary depending on the specifics of any given course or assignment. Please contact OEA as soon as any questions arise so that we can partner with you to help work through any issues as quickly as possible.
Our policies and procedures are designed to assist students in making a successful transition to college life while ensuring their rights to access are protected, the integrity of the academic program is maintained, and our legal obligations are met. We take a proactive stance that encourages students to understand their needs and strengths in order to best advocate for themselves. At West Chester University, we recognize that some students with disabilities want minimal assistance while others seek out and require the full range of support and services available through OEA.
The Office of Educational Accessibility is a member of the Academic Affairs Division of West Chester University. Housed in University College, OEA serves the entire campus in matters regarding the experience of students with disabilities at WCU. OEA provides services and programs that ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990). All programs and services are in keeping with the University's mission to provide equal education for all qualified students. Our aim is to maximize student success, self-advocacy, and independence in an accessible academic environment.
Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART)
Faculty Guide to Accessibility Resources
- Digital Accessibility Video Series from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights
- ADA Module
- West Chester University's Closed Caption Policy
- Specific Disabilities
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Faculty Implementation of Universal Design for Learning
- Closed Captioning - for information, please refer to the Accessible Software Applications dropdown link on the Information Technology Accessibility webpage.
- "Hidden/Invisible Disabilities" Online faculty instructional module offered by the University of Hawaii's Students with Disabilities as Diverse Learners (SDDL) project.
- OEA Student Responsibilities Pertaining to a Letter of Accommodation
What can I do to improve access for students with disabilities?
RAMS - Accommodate Resources
How do I access my RAMS - Accommodate Portal?
How do I view my student's Letters of Accommodation?
How do I know when a student has requested a test or exam through the Proctoring Center?
How do I submit and receive my testing materials through the Proctoring Center
How do I view any notes that have been taken for an OEA student in my class?
Are there RAMS - Accommodate Information Sessions being held?