Current Students & Alumni Resources

Department Clubs

Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) - National Geology Honor Society


Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) was established to recognize scholarship and professionalism in the Earth Sciences. Its objectives are the scholastic, scientific, and professional development of its members who are devoted to the advancement of the Earth Sciences. Any person who has completed at least 10 semester hours in any of our programs, and maintained a minimum of 3.0 GPA in all Earth Science courses, is qualified for membership. If you qualify and wish to join, please contact any of the above officers, or Dr. Elliott Arnold - faculty advisor of the Zeta Beta Chapter at West Chester University. Initiation of new members is held both fall and spring semesters.

The Earth and Space Science Club (ESSC)

The Earth and Space Science Club enhances appreciation of the Earth and Space Sciences (e.g., Geology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Meteorology) through social activities, including trips to quarries, museums, and parks. Fundraising is done several times a year, including bake and t-shirt sales. ESSC is open to any student or faculty member on campus. Interested students should contact Dr. Elliott Arnold Sigma Gamma