Registration: Tuition Adjustments and Withdrawals
Policy for Adjustment of Tuition and Fees
Please consult the Academic Calendar for add/drop deadlines each semester. During the open enrollment period, if students drop classes which results in a change to their bill, refunds will be processed automatically by the Office of the Bursar. Students can contact the Office of the Bursar for information about when a refund will be generated.
After the drop/add deadline, the below refund schedule goes into effect. Refunds are automatic according to the below schedule.
Tuition and General Fee Adjustments
Full refunds for tuition and the general fee for a course are available only through the add/drop deadline for that course. After that, tuition and the general fee are refunded only for term withdrawals according to the schedule below (under Term Withdrawals).
After the add/drop deadline, withdrawing from a single course does not generate any adjustment of tuition & fees, even if the student’s enrollment changes from full-time to part-time. Refer to the Academic Calendar for course-specific deadlines. These percentages apply to the total tuition bill, not to partial tuition payments. Questions about this, as well as when students will receive their refund, should be directed to the Office of the Bursar.