Grades: Grade Changes
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Student Grade Appeals
- If you think that a grade you have received is incorrect, that is, you are questioning the instructor's decision, the first step is to talk to the instructor directly.
- If this isn't satisfactory, then you can use the University's Grade Appeals Policy, which is found in the Undergraduate Catalog's Academic Policies and Procedures within the Grade Information section.
Course grades are awarded by the professor of record and reported to the University Registrar. These grades, with exception to NG (no grade) and IP (in progress), are considered final, but may be changed at the discretion of the faculty member within the timeframe outlined in the Change of Grade Policy. Any changes submitted after the date indicated on the Academic Calendar requires approval of the Dean and Provost (or his/her designee). Appropriate justifications for changing a final course grade include computational or clerical error.
For undergraduate courses, students with a grade of NG must have a change of grade submitted by the end of the ninth instructional week of the subsequent Fall or Spring semester, or the grade will automatically change to an F. Similarly, students with a grade of IP must have a change of grade submitted by the end of the ninth instructional week of the equivalent Fall or Spring semester in the following year, or the grade will automatically change to an F.
For graduate courses, students with a grade of NG must have their work submitted by the end of the fourteenth instructional week of the subsequent Fall or Spring semester, or the grade will automatically change to an F. Similarly, students with a grade of IP must have their work submitted by the end of the fourteenth instructional week of the equivalent Fall or Spring semester in the following year, or the grade will automatically change to an F.
Faculty Grade Changes
All faculty have access to change a grade through the online Change of Grade Workflow located in myWCU. Directions on how to submit a change of grade through myWCU are available. Please note that the paper Change of Grade form will only be accepted in the rare circumstance that the change of grade workflow is not available for the student (typically when the student did not appear on the original grade roster, but has since been enrolled in the course). To obtain the paper form, please email Grades .