Songwriting for Music Educators - MUE 556

July 7-11, 2025
In-Person - 3 Credits

This graduate-level seminar investigates the complete journey of music in the digital era, from creation through publication and consumption. Emphasizing pedagogical strategies, students investigate songwriting techniques, digital audio workstations, and online collaborative platforms, gaining hands-on experience in creating, editing, and distributing music. Throughout the course, participants analyze the impact of experiential practices and collaborative creation in the music classroom.


Daily Schedule

MUE 556 will meet in person at West Chester University from July 22-26 from 8:30-4:30. An overview of the daily schedule is forthcoming.

Course Enrollment and Workshop Registration

Course Enrollment - MUE 556

Enrollment Options In-State Out of State


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Tuition - $316 per credit*

Fees - $139 per credit

*Reflects $200 tuition discount

Tuition - $574 per credit*

Fees - $151 per credit

*Reflects $200 tuition discount

Non-Degree Seeking

Apply Now

Enroll Now

Tuition - $516 per credit

Fees - $139 per credit

Tuition - $774 per credit

Fees - $151 per credit

Masters Students

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Enroll Now

Tuition - $516 per credit

Fees - $139 per credit

Tuition - $774 per credit

Fees - $151 per credit

Act 48 Workshop*

Workshop Registration

*students enrolling for the workshop do not receive graduate credit

$1200 - Participant

$500 - Audit (for students that have previously completed the course)

$500 - Current WCU Undergraduate Student


Devin Arne, Assistant Professor

Devin Arne
Assistant Professor

Sarah Gullish, Adjunct Professor

Sarah Gullish
Adjunct Professor