Police: Electronic Security Services

The Public Safety Department Electronic Security Services Division (DPS ESS) is comprised of three civilian employees that provide a broad range of Security Technology for our campus community. DPS ESS plans, installs and manages all Access Controlled Doors, Grants and removes individual user security access rights to doors and areas, provides emergency police panic buttons to selected high risk areas and offices throughout campus, Installs and maintains Emergency Telephones throughout the campus, Installs, and maintains all of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras throughout campus, and maintains the internal DPS IT infrastructure.

 As new campus buildings are built and  existing facilities are being upgraded, they are being secured utilizing a centralized Door Access Control  system. These systems are designed and monitored by our DPS ESS Security Systems experts.

In addition to the computerized access system, several hundred closed circuit television cameras are in use at many key locations around our campus. They allow officers to monitor our buildings and parking areas and provide security in those areas without having someone physically present.

For more than 25 years, DPS has utilized modern technology in reporting incidents that occur on our campus. The department continually upgrades our reporting system software to allow the department to track much more information than in the past. This has made the Department's operation much more efficient in retaining and researching information about all activity on campus.

DPS not only monitors access points but also all proximity alarm points for building access and all fire detection and suppression alarms on campus.

All issues or questions regarding access cards, doors, door access, cameras, or electronic security, please email the below:


How to Use the New Card Readers



Need to report an incident, or make an ESS request?

Use the Electronic Security Request form to notify Public Safety of your ESS related issue or need.

  • Card Access Request Form - If you need to add/remove or make changes to a room, lab, office, gate, or building.
  • Contractor Cards Request Form - If you need to have a card made for contractors to have access to a building.
  • Report a Problem Form - If you have an issue regarding card readers, cameras, door contact, panic alarm and burglar alarms.
  • New Equipment Request Form - If you would like to get a quote for new devices, equipment, items.
  • Schedule Door Events Request Form - If you would like to schedule a new date and time on a door, room, lab, office or building. If you require the building to be open after -hours, the building administrator must submit a "Schedule Door Events" request through the Department of Public Safety's online form. This submission should include the specific dates (e.g., 2/18-5/9) and times (e.g., 8:00 AM-2:00 PM) for which the building needs to be open.


Yvette Melendez
Electronic Security Services Specialist

Antonio Toscano
Electronic Security Operator