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Meet The Vice President for University Advancement and External Affairs



Message from the Vice President

University Advancement & External Affairs (UAEA) collaborates with internal and external constituents to advance institutional and student success. UAEA is comprised of three main departments: the Twardowski Career Development Center, the Center for Civic Engagement & Social Impact (CCESI), and the Office of External Relations. These offices provide lifelong career development services, community-engaged learning and volunteer opportunities, and cultivate intentional partnerships with local and regional municipalities and elected officials. UAEA also serves as the university’s liaison to the West Chester University Foundation and Alumni Engagement Office, focusing collaboratively on philanthropic opportunities and enhancing alumni engagement.

As the vice president of UAEA, I invite you to connect with our division through the many engagement and experiential learning opportunities created to support and prepare our students to succeed throughout college and beyond.

Dr. Zebulun Davenport

Learn more about the Vice President

UAEA Events and Highlights

  • PA Hunger-Free Campus Grant

    WCU Receives a $60k Hunger-Free Campus Grant

    UAEA is excited to announce that West Chester University has been awarded a $60,000 Hunger-Free Campus Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This funding will enhance our efforts to combat food insecurity on campus, ensuring that every student has access to the nutritious food and resources they need to succeed.

    This grant will help us expand critical programs that support student well-being and foster a more inclusive, supportive community. We’re grateful to the PA Department of Education for their recognition and support of our commitment to a hunger-free campus.

    Thank you to the CCESI Team who made this grant possible. 


  • Most Engaged Campus for College Student Voting 2024

    Most Engaged Campus Voting 2024

    West Chester University is proud to join 471 campuses in being named a 2024 ALL IN Most Engaged Campus for College Student Voting. Great work to CCESI and campus partners for their effort in 2024 to institutionalize nonpartisan democratic engagement to increase student voter turnout. 

  • Zeb Davenport holding a gavel

    Congratulations, Dr. Davenport

    Congratulations to Zeb Davenport, VP for UAEA, on your appointment as the new Chester County Community Foundation Chair. Zeb has been a CCCF Board member since 2022. He stepped into the new role as chair in June 2024. 

  • WCU attends HR Conference in Harrisburg

    WCU Attends the PA Chamber HR Conference

    Executive Director, Jen Long, and Associate Director, Phyllis Schoen (center and right) from the Twardowski Career Development Center attended the PA Chamber HR Conference on March 13th with Associate Director, Rob Marco, of Graduate Admissions (left). 

  • Some members of UAEA at the CCFB

    Chester County Food Bank and UAEA

    As part of UAEA's August Retreat, the staff spent the morning learning about the Chester County Food Bank (CCFB), their mission, and operation while also helping with an on-site service project. CCFB is a campus partner with WCU and the campus Resource Pantry. 

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