Teaching is a privilege that carries the responsibility of keeping current within
the discipline. Pedagogies should be student-centered and inclusive. I believe in
meeting the student where they are, asking where they want to be, and discovering
pedagogies that prepare them to be successful. I believe that all students can succeed
when motivated by their interests, and when educated from a strengths-based perspective.
I challenge myself and students to meet the goal of being the best we can be, both
in and outside the classroom.
Year |
Degree |
School/University |
Location |
2014 |
Doctorate in Education |
Capella University |
Minneapolis, MN |
1989 |
Master of Science in Nutrition Education |
Immaculata College |
Immaculata, PA |
1984 |
Bachelor of Science |
Immaculata College |
Immaculata, PA |
Course Number |
Course Name |
NTD 200 |
Nutrition and Culture |
NTD 205 |
Food Selection and Preparation |
NTD 301 |
Consumer Nutrition |
NTD 303 |
Introductory Principles to Human Nutrition |
NTD 408 |
Food Science |
NTD 410 |
Quantity Food Production |
NTD 416 |
Foodservice Management |
NTD 422 |
Sports Nutrition |
NTD 435 |
Undergraduate Independent Study |
NTD 524 |
Dietetic Internship Supervised Practice Experience III - Foodservice Management |
Subach, R. & Christaldi, J. (2021). The ram chef program: exploring perceptions of
cooking independence and culinary abilities of young adults with disabilities and
their caregivers. Disability and Health Journal.
Subach, J., Valliant, M., Daigle, K. (2021, Fall) Sports nutrition career guidance
for students/interns: Using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’: Revised 2021
standards of practice and professional performance for registered dietitian nutritionist
in sports and human performance (SOP/SOPP for SHP). Nutrition and Dietetic Educators
NDEP-Line 18-19.
Daigle, K, Subach, R. & Valliant, M. (2021). Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Revised
2021 Standards of practice and standards of professional performance for registered
dietitian nutritionist (competent, proficient, and expert) in sport and human performance.
J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 Sep;121(9):1813-1830.e55. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.04.018.
Epub 2021 Jun 26. PMID: 34183294.
Holik, M. & Subach, R. (2021, Winter). The food systems model approach and adapting
didactic nutrition and dietetic instruction to the hyflex model. Nutrition and Dietetic
Educators NDEP-Line 11-19.
Subach, R., Mazurek, S. & Klein, L. (2018). Attitudes and beliefs of division II collegiate
swimmers on the adoption of a whole-foods, plant-based diet. Journal of swimming research.
Subach, R. & Klein, L. (2018). Nutrition. Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities: Integrating
Theory, Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Subach, J. & Klein, L. (2018). Case studies in food and nutrition systems management.
Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Resource Library. Retrieved
Subach, J. (2018, Spring) Anxiety disorder: The invisible disability. Management in
Food and
Nutrition Systems Market-Link. (4-6). Retrieved from:
Subach, R. (2017). Improving food choices and nutrient adequacy in adolescents/young
with developmental disabilities. Journal of Disability and Health Journal, 11(1),
139-142. DOI:
Subach, J. (2017, Fall) Maximizing millennials in the workforce. Management in Food
Nutrition Systems Market-Link. 4-6. Retrieved from
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Sport and Human Performance Dietetic Practice Group
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
Food and Culinary Professionals Dietetic Practice Group
Les Dames d’Escoffier