Johnson, K.E. (2021, Jan.) Review for weblog for the Society of Food and Nutrition
of Gaddis, Jennifer E. (2019) The Labor of Lunch: Why We Need Real Food and Real Jobs
in American Public Schools. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Johnson, K.E. & Baba, Z.M. (2021, April). Praxis in Cultural Competence: Development
of a Faculty Learning Community to Promote Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Nutrition
and Dietetic Educators and Practitioners Conference (via Zoom), section of Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Johnson, K.E. (2020, Mar). “Food democracy, health disparities and trans fat policy”.
Public Health Nutrition. 23(4):738-746. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019003306. Epub 2019
Dec 16.
Johnson, K.E. (2019, October). Food democracy, community food security, and ultra-processed
foods. Invited paper presentation for WCU Sustainability Research and Practice Seminar,
sponsored by WCU’s Office of Sustainability and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs,
West Chester, PA.
Johnson, K.E.; Fleck, M. & Pantazes, T. (March 2019). “It’s the story: Online animated
simulation, poverty, and cultural competence of emerging health professionals”. Internet
Journal of Allied Health Science and Practice, 17 (2).
Johnson, K.E. & Monahan, L. (2018). An introduction to Sustainable Food Systems: Module
1. In Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Center for Lifelong Learning, Hunger and
Environmental Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group online Certificate of Training in
Sustainable Food Systems.
Anguyo, G., Tinago, C. B., Sankaran, G., Johnson, K.E., Davidson, P., Mendez S, Loedel,
P., Dauda, D., & Evert, J. (August 1-2, 2019). Lessons learned from establishing an
academic and agency partnership for Global Health Research. Paper presented at Africa
Interdisciplinary Health Conference, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra.
Johnson, K.E., & Johnston, S. (2017, December). Building the big tent: Anthropology
and interdisciplinary work in food and nutrition. Co-Chair, Co-Organizer collaborated
with Dr. Susan Johnston of WCU Anthropology for Society for the Anthropology of Food
and Nutrition, American Anthropology Association Annual Meeting Washington, D.C.
Johnson, K.E. (2017, February). Health disparities, justice and trans fat policy.
Poster session for the Howard University Health Disparities: Closing the Gap, Accelerating
Health Equity for Our Nation and Global Communities Conference, College of Nursing
and Allied Health (providing continuing education units for practitioners), Howard
University, Washington, D.C.
Johnson, K.E. (2016, September). Limits and dimensions in Consumer Citizen politics:
The NYC trans fat policy. Paper presented for the American Political Science Association
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Curriculum Vitae