Vicki A. McGinley
- Professor
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Dr. McGinley taught English/Special Education in a large urban district prior to teaching at the university level. She attended Temple University where she received her Ph.D. in Psychological Studies with concentrations in special education and communication disorders. Dr. McGinley is certified in special education and secondary English. In addition to her university teaching, her service work has included work as a due process hearing officer in two states for both special and gifted education, as well as a mediator and facilitator. She also has served the university as a mediator, alternate ombudsperson, and a university fact finder. Her research interests include trauma informed education, legal issues, teacher training, instructional technology, working with families, diversity, and inclusion.
Some of her recent scholarly work includes:
- McGinley, V.A., Haughey, T. & Fisher, M. Animated Case-based Studies in Teaching Preservice Teachers Trauma Informed Practices (Grant)
- McGinley, V.A. Best Practices in the School for Addressing Traumatized Children accepted for presentation at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Educations, May 18, 2020, Athens, Greece.
- Alnahari, M., McGinley, V.A. & Bolton, D. Level of awareness of autism among schoolteachers in Saudi Arabia). Submitted to the National Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
- McGinley, V.A. Web 2.0 Tools for Educators. Virtual Presentation at the Sixty-first Annual PA Council for Exceptional Children Conference.
- McGinley, V.A., Guerriero, T.S. & Houser, M.A. Introduction to special education, history, legislation, and consideration for eligibility. In Guerriero, T., Houser, M., & McGinley, V. (2020). The Special Educator’s Guide to Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview by IDEA Disability Category. Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage Publications, Inc.
- Alnahari, M., McGinley, V.A. & Bolton, D. Level of awareness of autism among schoolteachers in Saudi Arabia). Journal of the International Association of Special Educators.
- McGinley, V.A., Salako, O.O., & Dubov, J. Trauma: How educators can support children and their families. In Norris, K. & Collier, S. Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Contexts. IGI Global.
- McGinley, V.A. & Alexander, M. (Eds.). Families of Students with Disabilities: Collaborating Across the Life Span School. Los Angeles: Sage.