Pablo Arriaza, MSW, PhD, LCSW
Associate Professor
Anderson Hall, Room 404A
Curriculum Vitae
- BS, Psychology: Florida State University
- MSW: Florida State University
- PhD, Social Work: University of Alabama
Main areas of interest
- Bilingual social work practice
- End-of-life care and bereavement social work with linguistically isolated individuals
- Clinical social work supervision
I am a social worker because I believe in the mission of our profession. I believe
in the next generation of social workers who continue translating the core values
of our profession into interventions focused on addressing societal needs across the
lifespan. Social workers hold core values that place human dignity, social justice,
and integrity at the center. After 24 years of social work practice and 11 years of
teaching, I have many real-life examples to share with students that helped me grow
as a social worker, scholar, and researcher. I enjoy teaching social work because
it is both a science and an art which intersect in a critical place to enhance students’
capacity, critical thinking, and self-awareness.
I strive to find innovative, creative, evidence-based, and expressive ways to teach
across the social work curriculum. I do so by infusing my extensive clinical practice
skills, vast international and life experiences, but most of all by being aware of
students’ learning needs. To be most effective, teaching needs to be bidirectional
and reciprocal. In other words, learning is not a unilateral process, but a dynamic,
interwoven, and multi-systemic process placing both the student and the teacher at
the center of the interaction. Consequently, many aspects of social work practice
parallel this same process of person-centered and reflective practice approaches.
I enjoy walking along with students, side by side, as I encourage and show them how
to look at the world from different perspectives and question reality and the truth.
- Arriaza, P. (2016, October). Negotiating "insider / outsider" dynamics in bilingual social work
practice: The experiences of four bilingual social workers. Keynote paper presentation
at the meeting of the Latino Social Workers Organization, Chicago, IL.
- Arriaza, P. (2014, October). "I am bilingual": Language self-efficacy beliefs among Spanish-speaking
social workers. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program
Meeting, Tampa, FL.
- Arriaza, P. (2011, April). “Si, of course hablo español”: Self-perceived language abilities and
professional needs of Spanish-speaking social workers. Presentation at the meeting
of the Latino Social Workers Organization, Chicago, IL.
- Arriaza, P. (2011, April). Professional needs of bilingual social workers: A roundtable discussion.
Roundtable discussion at the meeting of the Latino Social Workers Organization, Chicago,
- Arriaza, P. (2011, January). Cross-cultural community-based participatory action qualitative
research: Social workers’ ethical and methodological challenges. Presentation at themeeting
of the Society for Social Work and Research, Tampa, FL.
- Arriaza, P. Facts from the field: Professional needs among bilingual social work practitioners.
Manuscript in progress.
- Arriaza, P. Using ecomaps to explore quality of life factors among bilingual people. Manuscript
in progress.
- Arriaza, P. (2015). Spanish language self-efficacy beliefs among Spanish-speaking social workers: Implications
for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 51(3), 550-565.
- Arriaza, P., Nedjat-Haiem, F., Lee, H.Y., & Martin, S.S. (2015). Guidelines for conducting health health care psychosocial cross-cultural/language
qualitative research. Social Work in Public Health, 30(1), 75-87.
- Arriaza, P. (2013). Contemporary hospice rural social work practice. Open Journal of Social Science Research, 1(6), 140-145.
- Arriaza, P., & Cornelissen, K. (2011). Grief among children of military families. Illinois Child Welfare Journal, 6(1),1-10 .
- Arriaza, P., Martin, S.S., & Csikai, E.L. (2011). Bereavement services for Hispanics: An exploratory study of Florida hospices. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 7(2-3), 121-138.
- Arriaza, P., Dutton, S., & Simpson, D.B. (2016, November). Eco-systemic, integral practice in
military social work across all military service trajectories. Paper presented at
the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Arriaza, P. (2011, October). Responding to the needs of military families. Presentation at the
University of New Hampshire Outreach Center Speaker Series, Dover, NH.