The Mission and Vision of The College of Education and Social Work provide an integrated
framework for teaching, learning, and professional behaviors. The Mission, which is
the core of the Conceptual Framework for each Educator Preparation Program (EPP),
is accomplished through:
- Teaching: We value excellence in our academic and instructional pursuits. We are committed
to applying research and theory in practice facilitated through meaningful engagement
with Candidates.
- Applied Practice: We believe in engaging our Candidates in educational settings that allow them to
learn by the direct hands-on application of theory, skills, concepts, and models in
real-world experiences.
- Research and Scholarship: We believe in engaging Candidates in scholarly excellence and research that contributes
to the field of education, schools, and communities.
- Service: We believe meaningful learning occurs when Candidates engage in personal and professional
development in serving the needs of others.
- Local and Global Partnerships: We commit to working cooperatively in establishing meaningful partnerships with
P-12 educational systems as well as university, local, and national communities to
improve the educational outcomes, economic vitality, and well-being of everyone.
- Leadership: We believe in fostering the leadership skills of all Candidates.
- Innovative Practice: We believe in creating innovative experiences and approaches to advance new knowledge,
solve problems, and improve our practice.
- Ethics and Values: We strive to uphold the highest ethical standards and strive for personal and professional
This framework and methods of delivery guides the work in each EPP. In fulfilling
its mission, the EPP educates Candidates who are:
- Lifelong Learners who have an enduring purpose to become a better professional with high expectations
for themselves and others.
- Scholars who actively engage with the discovery of new knowledge or broaden and deepen existing
knowledge, and apply knowledge to affect improvement.
- Evidence-Based Decision Makers who use data-driven facts and intellectual standards to make informed decisions.
- Reflective and Skilled Practitioners who have the ability to analyze, assess, and revise practice in light of students'
performance, learning theory, research, and constructive feedback.
- Social Justice Advocates who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to confront social inequality and
promote equity within their sphere of influence (Adams, 2010).
- Innovators of Applied Technology who have the ability to use and leverage technology to address the needs of all learners.
Developing professional behaviors is essential to the EPPs. The EPPs take pride in
developing the Professional Dispositions and Requirements essential to the professional
field. The EPPs are committed to Candidates. Our programs not only educate Candidates,
but they monitor those behaviors and provide strategic support as Candidates matriculate
though their program.
The mission and vision is accomplished through the following methods of delivery:
- Teaching: We incorporate the latest evidence-based knowledge for theory, practice, research,
and policy methods into our interactive pedagogy and in accordance with the Educational Policies and Standards of the Council on Social Work Education.
- Applied Practice: Through case-based learning activities and competency-based classroom simulations,
students learn to apply their academic knowledge, values, and skills in practice at
their generalist and specialized year social work field practica. Field education,
social work’s signature pedagogy, strengthens the applied knowledge and skill sets
of our students while contributing to the dynamic multi-level needs of the region.
- Research and Scholarship: We are committed to training our students in research-informed practice and practice-informed
research inclusive of community-based participatory research, program evaluation,
and service delivery improvement efforts. We critically educate students by being
engaged in research-informed practice and practice-informed research and by bringing
scholarship into the classroom.
- Local and Global Partnerships: We develop sustainable and mutually beneficial regional and global partnerships
with diverse interdisciplinary agencies working with vulnerable populations. These
partnerships include student field placements, coalition or advisory board service,
consultant relationships, community-based participatory research projects, volunteerism,
and study abroad opportunities.
- Leadership: We lead by example by becoming leaders in university and social work professional
organizations and by bringing leadership experiences back into the classroom. We enhance
students’ leadership capacity through mentorship, classroom activities, graduate assistantships,
and creation of opportunities for cultivating leadership skills through on-campus
and off-campus service.
- Service: We are called by our Code of Ethics to promote the general social welfare of the
society by extending our knowledge and skill set to empower and build capacity within
the community. Through service, we advocate for equitable social conditions for all.
- Innovative Practice: We develop and offer elective coursework and workforce training in cutting-edge
and emerging areas of practice across the micro to macro continuum preparing our students
to meet the demands of the ever-changing 21st century social work profession.
- Ethics and Values: In accordance with the National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics, we
model social work values of human dignity and worth and uphold high ethical standards
in our engagement with students and the community.
The methods of delivery guide our work in fulfilling our mission in educating students
that are:
- Lifelong Learners who practice cultural responsiveness, seek opportunities for professional growth,
and become change agents to advance human rights and social justice on the micro,
mezzo, and macro levels of society
- Scholars who promote best practices with individuals, families, and communities by working
in partnership with stakeholders on the assessment, intervention, and evaluation of
practice efforts.
- Evidence-Based Decision Makers who seek and utilize evidence-based knowledge to inform practice decisions and to
advocate with individuals, families, and communities for multi-level change.
- Reflective and Skilled Practitioners who are authentically committed to ongoing professional growth through self-assessment,
continuing education, and the evaluation of practice processes and outcomes.
- Social Justice Advocates who collaborate with individuals, families, and communities to advance human rights
and promote social justice at all social system levels.
- Innovators of Applied Technology who understand the impact of technology and social media on society; and utilize
online applications and resources to advance social work practice and advocacy efforts.