Educational Studies

Undergraduate Minor


The Minor in Educational Studies was designed for any student who is not a major in a teacher education program to explore the foundations of education. With three required courses and a wide-range of elective options to choose from, this 18 credit minor can provide you with important knowledge and skills related to teaching and learning. Students can pair this coursework with a variety of other majors and minors to bring educational insights to a variety of fields. With professions of all kinds recognizing the necessity of continued learning, the Educational Studies Minor positions students to take on educational roles (coach, trainer, facilitator) in many different occupational and community settings.  Must be in good academic standing (minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0) to enroll in the program. Students must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all minor courses. Students must consult departmental advisor for electives selection. 



EDF300 - Democracy and Education

A study of the philosophical, historical and sociological issues related to American education. The course places schools within the context of the larger American society and asks to what degree can and should schools serve as agents for creating a more just and democratic society.
Gen Ed Attribute: Interdisciplinary Requirement.

EDT300 - Intro to Educational Technology Integration

An overview of the integration of technology in teaching and learning with a focus on computer applications.

EDP250 - Educational Psychology  

 A study of learning in relation to the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects of personality.
Distance education offering may be available.


Select three (3) elective courses under departmental advisement to equal nine (9) credits.


**Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" in all minor courses.**

Contact Information

Dr. Dana Morrison

Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations

Educational Foundations and Policy Studies

(610) 436-2942 

Email Dr. Dana Morrison