
Jason Bartles

  • MALC Graduate Coordinator
  • Professor of Languages
  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park
  • B.A., Gettysburg College
  • Clarion West Class of '23

Research Interests

  • Contemporary Latin American Literary, Film, and Cultural Studies
  • Critical Theory
  • Creative Writing
  • Avant-Gardes and Mass Media
  • Global Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Utopian Thought
  • Revisions and Re-inscriptions of the Nineteenth Century
  • U.S. Latinx Literatures and Cultures
  • Gender and Queer Studies
  • Translation

Courses Offered


  • LNC 503: Cultural Studies
  • SPA Seminar Topics Included:
  • Politics and Aesthetics since 1959 (Summer 2016)
  • The Avant-Gardes, Then and Now (Summer 2018)
  • Latin American Women Writers (Summer 2019)
  • Creative Writing Workshop (Summer 2020)
  • The Utopian Impulse in Latin America (Spring 2020, Fall 2023)


  • Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced Spanish
  • HSP 101: Spanish for Healthcare I
  • LNC 368: Comparative Cultural Studies
  • SPA 315: Advanced Readings
  • SPA 321: Cultures of Latin America
  • SPA 322: Latin America on Film
  • SPA 331: Latin American Narrative
  • SPA 456 Senior Seminar in Hispanic Literary, Film, and Cultural Studies

General Education and Culture Cluster Courses:

  • LNC 100: Discover the World on Film (Humanities)
  • LNC 105: Global Science Fiction (Humanities and Writing Emphasis)
  • LNC 106: Global Fantasy Fiction (Humanities and Speaking Emphasis)
  • ESP 311: Contemporary Latin America (CC)
  • ESP 316: Latin American Avant-Gardes and Mass Media (CC, J, I)
  • ESP 317: Utopia and the Apocalypse in the Americas (CC, ET, I)
  • ESP 324: Latinxs in the United States
  • ESP 334: Politics and Economics in Latin American Literature and Film Publications


  • A VALLEY TO HARNESS: A Novel in the World’s Revolution Series. Two Doctors Media Collaborative: Columbus, OH, 2024.
  • ARTELETRA: The Sixties in Latin America and the Politics of Going Unnoticed. Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, Purdue University Press, 2021.


  • “Deserted Islands for the Nation: Empty Land- and Seascapes in Argentine Films of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands.” The Film Archipelago: Islands in Latin American Cinema, edited by Francisco-J. Hernández Adrián and Antonio Gómez, World Cinema Series, Bloomsbury Press, 2022. 31–54.
  • “La ética de exponerse en De miedo en miedo de Armonía Somers.” Invited book chapter in La escritura de Armonía Somers. Pulsión y riesgo. Ed. María Cristina Dalmagro. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2019.
  • “Farmworkers’ Theater,” “Flor y canto,” “Rebozo,” and “Vegigantes.” Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions. Ed. Maria Herrera-Sobek. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood P, 2012. 489, 496, 975–976, 1119–1120.


  • “Navigating Uncertainty: The Ambiguous Utopias of Le Guin, Gorodischer, and Jemisin.” Utopian Studies 33.1 (2022): 107–126. Penn State University Press.
  • “Byung-Chul Han’s Negativity; or, Restoring Beauty and Rage in Excessively Positive Times.” Forthcoming in CR: The New Centennial Review 21.3 (2021). Michigan State University Press.
  • “Héctor Manjarrez’s Uncertainty; or, Politics without Dogma.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 53.3 (2019): 923–946. Washington University in St. Louis, Johns Hopkins Press.
  • “Calvert Casey’s Wasted Narratives.” Revista Hispánica Moderna 70.1 (2017): 19–35. Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • “La alegoría errante de la torre-cueva de Juan Filloy.” Revista Iberoamericana 82.254 (Jan-Mar 2016): 213–228. IILI, University of Pittsburgh.
  • “Gauchos at the Origins: Lugones, Borges, Filloy.” Variaciones Borges 40 (2015): 133–152. Borges Center, University of Pittsburgh.
  • “A Queer Chicana/o Ethics of Representation: Rasquache Camp in the Novels of Rechy and Luna Lemus.” Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 39.1 (Spring 2014): 105­–132. UCLA, Chicano Studies Research Center.

Publications: Creative Writing Manuals

  • 25 Writing Prompts: Part 4. Edited and with a Foreword by Jason A. Bartles. Flash Fiction Online, October–December 2023.
  • 25 Writing Prompts: Part 3. Edited and with a Foreword by Jason A. Bartles. Flash Fiction Online, July–September 2023.
  • 25 Writing Prompts: Part 2. Edited and with a Foreword by Jason A. Bartles. Flash Fiction Online, April–June 2023.
  • 25 Writing Prompts: Part 1. Edited and with a Foreword by Jason A. Bartles. Flash Fiction Online, January–March 2023.


  • “The Amulets and the Mist.” In The World’s Revolution: Gaia Awakens, vol. 2, edited by C. D. Tavenor, Two Doctors Media Collaborative, 2023. Pp. 147–160.
  • “Unbury My Heart.” Tree and Stone: Queer as F*, Issue 2. 7 November 2022.
  • “What to Expect When You’re Expecting Advanced Life-Forms.” Little Blue Marble. 16 September 2022.
  • “Solar Bear Plunge.” Utopia Science Fiction Magazine. August/September 2022.
  •  Podcast recording in Utopia Science Fiction Podcast, Episode 13, October 2022.
  • “No Worries.” Daily Science Fiction. 30 June 2022.
  • “The Bent Greens.” In The World’s Revolution: Gaia Awakens, edited by C. D. Tavenor, Two Doctors Media Collaborative, 2021. Pp. 93–119.
  • “Leiprenese 101.” Metaphorosis: Beautifully Made Speculative Fiction, edited by B. Morris Allen, Neskowin: Metaphorosis Publishing, May 2021. Pp. 91–128.
  • “The General’s Chair.” Boned. Web. 9 April 2019. Republished in Boned Every Which Way: A Collection of Skeletal Literature 2019, edited by Nate Ragolia, Denver: Spaceboy Books, 2020. Pp. 77–98.
  • “Obliviol: A Once-a-Day Pill for Drug-Anxiety Induced Agitation, Anxiety, Apprehension, and Horror.” The Metaworker. Web. 31 December 2018.
  • “The Erasure.” Here Comes Everyone, “The Tomorrow Issue,” volume 7, issue 1 (2018): 39-41.
  • Republished in Metastellar: Speculative Fiction and Beyond. Web. 18 June 2021.
  • “With Them.” In My Utopia: A Collection of Creative Writing, edited by Ruzbeh Babei. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 11–13, 2018.
  • “Orientation Packet for Gotham City Taxi Drivers.” Co-authored with Katherine Ann Davis. Punchnel’s. Web. 9 May 2016.

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