Other Fees
Distance Ed Access Fee
The distance education fee is charged at 15% of the tuition rate for the distance course for which a student is enrolled. Distance education is defined as an educational process in which the instruction occurs with the instructor and student in different locations. Distance education makes use of one or more technologies, including web-conference, to deliver 80 percent or more of the instruction for the course to students who are separated from the instructor and to support interaction between the students and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously.”
The distance education fee collected is used to support the delivery of the course via this modality.
International Student Service Fee
This $75 per semester fee applies to all inbound international students, to support compliance with the requirements of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).
New Student Fee
The new student fee covers all the costs associated with the orientation program including staffing, meals, business expenses, materials, presenters, and student ID cards. This one-time fee will appear on the student's first semester bill.
Inclusive Access Book Fee
Inclusive Access is a collaboration between the professor, WCU Campus Store, and the publisher of your course materials. This was created to provide you with the least expensive way to purchase your materials, combined with the convenience of charging the materials to your WCU account. The course materials your professor has chosen are delivered directly to you in a digital format through D2L, so there is no need to purchase a textbook. For more information visit: Campus Bookstore.
Late Fee
A $50 Late fee may be charged for any payment received after the initial Due Date.
Graduation Fee
The University charges $99 to all students enrolled in a degree program who will have fulfilled their degree requirements by the end of the semester. The fee is paid after the student applies for graduation via their RamPortal account and is approved for graduation. The graduation fee covers the cost of the diploma, diploma cover, cap, gown, hood and tassel, and programs for the graduation ceremony.
Honors College Activity Fee
This fee is used to pay for special programming costs within the Honors College such as conference attendance, performance fees, and special laboratory fees.