Degree Candidacy Application

This form is for Graduate students to apply for degree candidacy (if applicable).

Please refer to the Graduate Catalog to review the Degree Candidacy Policy for your degree program. For questions, please email The Graduate School.

Student Information
First Name  is a required field.
Last Name  is a required field.
RamNet ID  is a required field.

Must be 7 digits. Include leading 0 if necessary.
WCU Email is a required field.
Program Information
Degree Program is a required field.
Degree is a required field.

This request will be sent to the Graduate Coordinator for approval. You will receive an email confirming the outcome of your request.

Upon submission, you will be directed to a confirmation page letting you know your form was successfully submitted. If you do not see that page or you have any questions, please contact The Graduate School at or 610-436-2943.