The Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance offers educational and learning opportunities for all students, faculty and staff at West Chester University (WCU). In accordance with the University’s strategic plan, it is our intent to foster a campus environment that invites all community members to build upon their awareness, skills, and competencies related to diversity and inclusion topic areas. This office works collaboratively with campus partners to provide consultation, resources, and support toward the advancement and sustainability of a positive campus climate for all.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the topic areas and learning opportunities that we can provide:
- Unconscious/Implicit Bias
- Race/Color
- Ethnicity
- Culture
- Class
- Sexuality
- Gender
- Microaggressions
- Religion
- Search Committee Orientations (Process, Recruitment & Hiring)
- Disabilities
- Bystander Intervention
- Sexual Harassment Prevention
- and much more…
The following learning opportunities below address both individual behaviors and University policies that can impact an environment of opportunity and success for all members of the WCU community. Participants will leave these workshops with an increased awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion to an environment of academic and workplace success, as well as tools and strategies to effectively maximize the benefits of diversity and inclusion.
Upcoming Learning & Engagement Opportunities
- Wednesday, February 26 (2 pm – 3:15 pm): FDI Lunch (En) Counters Series: Forgotten or Purposely Marginalized? The Radicalism of Anna Murray Douglass Matters | Virtual
- Friday, February 28 (11 am - 12 pm): Interactive Session: Allyship is Leadership | Virtual
- Saturday, March 1 (10 am - 4 pm): First Annual Sisters of Excellence Conference | Register Here
- Tuesday, March 4 (9 am - 10:30 am): Moving Forward: Supporting your Teams Supervisor Training | Register Here
- Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21: Moon Shot Week
- Saturday, March 22 (10 am - 4 pm): 9th Annual Brothers of Excellence Conference
- Thursday, April 3 (10 am-11:30 am): Moving Forward: Supporting your Teams Supervisor Training | Register Here
Audience: Golden Ram Community
Cross Cultural Communications and Conflict Resolution
Inclusive Leadership 1.0: Understanding Identities
Inclusive Leadership 2.0: Exploring Dimensions of Cultural Competence and Inclusive Language
Inclusive Leadership 3.0: Microaggressions
Planning for Accessible and Inclusive Events and Programs
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Students
Title IX Open Forum
Unconscious/Implicit Bias Workshop
Understanding Antisemitism on Campus
Audience: For Faculty & Staff Only
Individuals with Disabilities: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Moving Forward: Supporting your teams - Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Search Committee Orientation: Hiring Process, Recruitment & Implicit Bias
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Faculty and Staff
Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response for Supervisors
Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction
Veterans Cultural Awareness Training
Audience: For Faculty Only
Please check out other events, training and education learning opportunities available through our campus partners below:
Center for Trans & Queer Advocacy
Center for Women & Gender Equity
Dowdy Multicultural Center
Greg and Sandra Weisenstein Veterans Center
Request a Workshop - Click here to complete and submit a Personal and Professional Development Request Form if you would like to coordinate another presentation of one of the workshops listed above to a specific group of students, faculty, and/or staff. We are limited in our ability to schedule beyond the dates provided so for planning purposes, please submit your request at least three (3) weeks in advance.