Connecting to your personal LinkedIn Account Profile
- When you log in to LinkedIn Learning for the first time you will be given the opportunity
to link your Learning account to your LinkedIn account (if you have one). For those
without a (personal) LinkedIn account, you may create a profile at this point.
- You may choose not to link them, and still have the opportunity to do so later. You
may also choose to link them, and still have the ability to unlink later, as well.
If you DON’T link your accounts
- You will be prompted to fill in basic information for a LinkedIn Learning profile
- You can choose a series of interests that will help promote videos you may be interested
- You will NOT be able to keep/link video course certificates you earn if you leave
West Chester University
If you DO link your accounts
- You will be able to add any video course certificates you earn to your LinkedIn profile,
and take them with you if you leave West Chester University
- Your LinkedIn Learning account will be auto-populated with basic information
- LinkedIn Learning will be able to use information such as your job title, industry,
and listed skills to help promote videos and subjects you might be interested in
- Future logins will have you sign in with your WCU username and password, then sign
in using the email/username and password of your LinkedIn account
- You can login to your WCU LinkedIn Learning account from your LinkedIn Learning profile*
* You can have more than 1 email address associated with your LinkedIn Professional
If you choose to Link your accounts at a later time, follow these steps:
1. Login to LinkedIn Learning
2. Open up any course
3. Click the Q&A Section on the right-hand side of the video player
4. Click Connect my LinkedIn Account
5. You will be prompted for your LinkedIn Login and Password